This highly realistic shiplap panelling wallpaper is extremely versatile and can be used in a number of different ways, depending on the needs of the space. Its versatility is its strength, adding warmth and rustic character to what might be a more austere modern setting or, conversely, because it has a very clean line, can be used to make a historical setting feel more contemporary. The texture of the wood wallpaper is subtle and warm. It’s whitewashed so that some of the grain shows through. In terms of installation, again its versatility is key. Installing your wallpaper as horizontal boards is best to create a space that feels expansive and modern. However, when laid vertically, timber panelling can create the illusion of height.
To view more wood wallpapers like the Whitewashed Timber design, or to simply be inspired by some amazing interiors, interior designers or installations, follow our Instagram. It’s packed full of striking images and sensational wallpaper ideas.
Made to order. Ships in 4-5 days
Note: Samples are provided for review of the material, pattern scale and print technique—they are not intended to be used for colour matching purposes. There can be slight shifts in colour between runs, so your wallpaper may vary slightly from sample colouring.
Please ensure that you order the correct amount as we do not guarantee that rolls printed in different batches will be an exact match.
The exclusive Kemra Collection. A popular range of faux wallpapers that blur the lines between wallpaper and the real thing. Designed by the Milton & King studio, this collection of realistic photographic wall coverings is designed with practicality in mind. Hard wearing, easy to install and cleanable, they are the perfect addition to any domestic or commercial decor.
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