Tropical Powder Rooms & Bathrooms
Why is it that powder rooms and bathrooms seem to be the go to space for tropical wallpaper? The accepted wisdom in interior design is that small spaces are the best places to do big and bold things. Unlike kitchens and living rooms that may have a line of sight from other areas in the home, powder rooms are entirely separated by walls and a door. Putting tropical wallpaper in your powder room and bathroom becomes a welcome surprise. Much like your vacation is a breakaway from the norm, tropical wallpaper in your powder room or bathroom will accomplish the same goal in your home. Here are a couple of our favorite examples.
In this image, we get a glimpse of our Feather Palm Wallpaper designed by Kingdom Home. Roxanne West who runs Bonjour Bliss Blog tackled the space with her hubby and created an unforgettable tropical powder room.

Next, we have the example of Nikki Edwards who also has a blog called This E17 Life, where she discusses her powder room transformation. She went from a gloomy space to a place bursting with life and color using the Hockney Wallpaper by Kitty McCall.

Tropical Bedrooms
A tropical bedroom may feel like a welcome respite from the drudgery of every day life. Nothing feels better after a long day at work than a place that feels like an island paradise when you get home. Bringing the tropical wallpaper vibe will turn your bedroom into a relaxing retreat. The only thing you would be missing is a Mai Tai cocktail and the strumming of a ukulele in the background. Here are some examples of tropical wallpapers in the bedroom.
Kari from Our Fig Tree Cottage is an interior designer who uses the Calypso wallpaper by Sixhands to give her bedroom a golden tropical makeover.

Fariha from @pennies_for_a_fortune brings that fun tropical vibe to her son’s bedroom with the Kingdom Palm design by Kingdom Home. By putting the wallpaper on the ceiling, it gives her son something to admire as he drifts off to sleep.

Hannah, an Australia-based interior designer from Urban Code Interiors decorates a display home with a tropical resort theme. This boy’s bedroom is the last room of the home that prospective buyers will enter. She uses the Jungle Fever design to great effect!

Tropical Closets, Nooks & Crannies
Another way to use tropical wallpaper isn’t to necessarily transform an environment, but rather to add a bit of spice to your space. Imagine a little slice of a wall that just visually pops and says “Aloha” every time you pass it. Likewise, imagine opening your closet every day and feeling like getting dressed is a bit of a party. That’s exactly what the examples below demonstrate. You only need a little to do a lot.
Style expert Kelly Lee participated in the One Room Challenge for bloggers and transformed her niece’s teen room into something beyond fabulous. Part of the fun was installing the Tropicale design inside the closet. I think the addition of the disco ball says it all.

Sam Szabla is a popular interior designer from the Miami, Florida area. He shows here that it only takes a pop in a small area to accomplish a lot. He uses the Tropical Flamingos design on a tiny nook in the hallway. However, the effect is anything but small.

As we can see, tropical wallpapers are available in colors that go beyond the typical greenery you might expect. Teals, pinks and yellows can also offer the tropical vibe with a colorful twist. We didn’t even mention all the more kid friendly and cartoon-style tropical wallpapers that are available as well. Unless you’re looking to make the entire house feel tropical, it seems that tropical wallpapers are most popular in bedrooms, bathrooms and sneaky spots like closets. To shop for the designs above and learn more about the tropical possibilities, check out the tropical wallpaper collection below.