The first thing you see when you wake up can affect your attitude toward the whole day. Let’s get you up on the right side of the bed, shall we? Here are a few bedroom wallpaper designs that are sure to lift your mood before you head out the door to take on the world.
Our Woodland Birds Wallpaper was used by Jordan Kahn. She is a DIY lover who runs a blog called A Blue Nest where she documents her home renovations. She talks about how this bedroom wallpaper added instant pizzaz. Who wouldn’t love to wake up to a bit of pizzaz!?

Cori Chadwick, from @LittleNectar on Instagram, decided to wallpaper her bedroom. She chose this Dandelions Wallpaper. The trails in this design provide a good sense of flow and energy.

If peace is your primary motivator, you may be more concerned with how you feel when you get home from work. The right bedroom wallpaper decor can help you put your mind at ease and prepare you for a good night’s sleep. Here are some designs that promote peace.
When Areeba isn’t studying Clinical Psychology, she runs her lifestyle blog called Mint Candy Designs. There she talks about her install of our Heritage Tiles Wallpaper. She was going for a Modern Boho Farmhouse look. This Mediterranean wallpaper just makes you want to relax. If there is one thing Mediterraneans know how to do, it’s enjoy life and take it easy.

Ashley is an interior designer with her own blog, At Home With Ashley. She chose to use the Birds Of Paradise Wallpaper with its soft pinks and blues on the white background. This brightens the space but still manages to stay relaxing. It is also gorgeously feminine.

Let’s talk color!
Are there colors that might be beneficial to creating your perfect bedroom environment? Green is a color that we associate with motivation. While, purple is a color we associate with mental stimulation. Red is a color that excites. These are all colors that could be associated with the mood lifters we mentioned previously. Here is some wallpaper for walls that you want to color with purpose.
Michaela is an interior enthusiast from the United Kingdom. She loves color and her instagram, House of Chester is a feast for your eyes. Our Cranes Wallpaper appears in her Master Bedroom and creates a vibrant space that makes you feel like you can fly.

Sam Szabla is a very sought after designer based in Florida. He knows how to create a space to affect your mood. Here he uses the Jungle Fever design, filling the room with a tropical green decor that feels like you’re in an Italian drama. More than sleep happens here. This is a space where you’ll also be planning your next move.

According to a sleep study reported in the Times Free Press, Pale Blue topped the list as the most calming color. It was associated with soft rippling water or a blue sky and was even associated with lower heart rates and reduced blood pressure.
Can you hear the ocean? The crashing in the distance and the ebb and flow of waves on the sandy shore is enough to put anyone to sleep. Enter the Shoreline Wallpaper. Sarah, @sawissinger on Instagram uses this abstract wallpaper design to create a serene space with a contemporary layout.

The blues don’t need to be pale to create a cool space. Our Shibori City Scape Wallpaper, seen here in the guest bedroom of Stephanie Kraus Designs, invites you to leave your stress at the door. This deep blue wallpaper makes any room feel calm, cool and collected.

The Thin Grey Line
Grey is one of those colors that can go perfectly well or terribly wrong. There is a thin grey line between a depressing atmosphere and one that promotes a sense of calm. According to Sandy Spring Builders, “Keep it soft and subtle to keep it from being too dramatic or depressing.” Here are some great examples of bedrooms that use grey wallpaper to create a fantastic neutral color palette.
Light and airy is what you get in the master bedroom of @DesignDevotee. She uses our Twigs Wallpaper to create a light grey neutral texture behind the bed. She compliments this with soft pinks and other neutral colors. The result is a bedroom that feels feminine and pleasant.

Our Tilt Slab design is a concrete wallpaper that is bit of a bolder grey color. It’s a nice strong look for mens bedrooms without being too dark or depressing. In the image below, Little Liberty Rooms designed this space with black bedside tables and headboard. The black contrasts with the wallpaper to make for an effective grey wallpaper for a bedroom.

Your concerns may not be tackling the day or finding your inner peace. Your goals might be to make the room feel taller or wider. Wallpaper can create illusions of depth as well as compliment the natural light in the room. Here are some bedroom wallpaper options that can help modify the feel of the space.
In the image below, Chelsey Newlon from @littlenestof4 on Instagram, beautifully decorated her master bedroom using our Distressed Timber Chevron Wallpaper. The chevron pattern creates visual interest and the wood wallpaper look gives the room a warm and rustic farmhouse feeling. For a room that gets plenty of light, this a beautiful complimentary wallpaper.

The Designory is a talented interior design firm that used our Stalactite Wallpaper in the image below. Though it’s a dark and moody room, the bedroom wallpaper with its vertical pattern gives the room a sense of height and contrast with the even darker elements in the space.

In another example of a rustic wood wallpaper being a practically perfect option for the bedroom, Monica from Burlap Roses Revivals used our Queensland Weatherboards Wallpaper. Not only is this creating a cozy farmhouse bedroom, but the vertical panels creates lines and geometry pleasing to the eye. This bedroom wallpaper adds the perception of height. In addition, her choice of lacy linens not only adds to the softness but creates a dreamy shabby-chic country-style bedroom.

Hopefully you have some good inspiration for choosing the best bedroom wallpaper. You definitely have options, from color, style, pattern or a healthy mix of them all. Now, this blog is clearly for the adults. When it comes to wallpaper for the kids bedroom, that’s a whole other approach. Read our blog on Bedroom Wallpaper For Kids for more on that topic. And if you have any good tips regarding bedroom wallpaper, we would love to hear them.